Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Official Record

Ok....I know what you're thinking....why did you put a picture of yourself looking so....gross. Well it's because I just got back from running 5 miles and I'm hot and sweaty....and gross. But I did it. I have never run 5 miles in my life so I wanted to document this so when I'm 90 years old I can say....."When I was 48 I ran 5 miles" and I will have the proof right here.

I am training to run a 10k next spring so I guess I'll be able to blog again and say...."When I was 48 I ran 6.2 miles." At least that is what I'm hoping.....we'll see :)


Maureen said...

I want more proof, like a picture of you running! ;) okay I believe you! love ya!

lexiedawn said...

woop! Go aunt Lori!

MJ said...

Way to go Lori! I'm so impressed! Keep it up, it inspires me! Hey by the way, guess where my parents are at this very moment - Vienna! Just thinking of you and them.

The Pecks said...

Ooooh.....we all want to go back to Vienna and visit! I love it there!!

Cap said...

Hey! That's great. You beet my record by 5 miles. :) Ok maybe 4 miles, but still. That's great!
Love - Chris