Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Let all the world know that I'm going to be 50 this year. So to prepare for this half century mark I've been doing quite a bit of reading. I want to know what I'm getting into cuz I really don't have a choice in the matter. So here are some things I've read about what happens when you approach 50.
1. Thinning of hair. I don't mind this one cuz I have really thick hair and for me....thinner would be nice.
2. Weight gain (on average 15 lbs), mainly in the middle. Aaauuuggg!! Glad I know about this one.
3. A need for reading glasses. Already have them. I went to the eye dr. last year cuz I just couldn't focus and so I asked the dr. what was wrong. He said that I have old eyes. :(
4. Memory loss. That's a constant one!!
5. A decline in ability to multitask with agility. I do remember when I could multitask so I haven't loss that memory.
6. Bone loss. One of the main reasons I run.
7. Change in sleep. Sleep?? What's that?

Plus there's a few more. I had to laugh though cuz I can really relate to all of these.

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