Thursday, June 30, 2011

He's back. :)

Steve flew in last night. It's been a long week and so much has happened. I'm not sure why so many things happen or go wrong when Steve is out of town but we all made it.......and he really enjoyed Poland. It's so nice having him home!! He will do a blog about his trip on Sunday.
And why a picture of a flower? Because it's pretty and it's one of Emily's flowers. She insisted on me buying this for her and how can I resist her....or the flower?
BTW....the garden is looking great and Steve's corn is coming up. And all the red onions took too.

And this is my arm the day after I got stung by a bee. It swelled even more the next day and then started going down. It was a miserable two nights with bad itching and pain down to my elbow (stung on my wrist). Now I have a bottle of benadryl just in case this happens again. :)

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