Monday, August 1, 2011

Nathan's email

Hey Mommers,
Hey so hows everything going back home? sounds like you're all having a really swell time. Well not a whole ton went on this last week. We had a couple of teaches but nothing really too grand. And then we did a TON of tracting. we had two full days in a row with no teaches or DA's or anything... so it was pretty slow.. haha.. but don't worry it wasn't too bad. I got a good workout from all the biking we did.. haha.. So next week we're going to be getting a Mini-Missionary that will be with us for a week and doo work and everything with us... The only problem is that we have to buy food for him when he's with us :O There goes my Money for the month..haha.. I'll probably be living off toast for the rest to the month... just kidding, I'll probably be able to afford some canned corn or something as well ;) Anyway, we've got change calls on Saturday, so next week i'll know if I'm leaving or not... so I'm pretty excited about that but I guess we'll see what happens. wellp that's about it but I hope you have a great week and I love and miss you a ton!!!
Vanhin Peck
P.S. oh and if you all did something fun for dads Birthday it would be great if i could get that blog next week ;) i'm just kinda courious what you all did for his Birthday. Thanks! Love You!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Wow, Elder Behnke looks like he is having a real blast in that picture!! :)