Saturday, July 26, 2008

When painting goes wrong

First, I discovered today that Vienna has been rated first in quality of life. That's first in the world! Well, technically it tied with Zurich but no one here is talking about that. I mean Zurich, Really. How could that place matter? I think it would have been a slam dunk for Vienna, were it not for the dog poop problem. Yes, every modern city has its problems: LA has its street gangs. New York its drugs. Washington DC its murders. And Vienna its dog poop. I guess you can't have a modern city without its problems as this the city with the highest quality of living demonstrates. However their anti poop campaign is in ernest--as this little dog sign demonstrates--36 euros if they catch you leaving your dogs leavings behind.  Watch out Zurich!

Well on to art. Vienna may be the art capital of the world. The city spends more on the arts each year than the US government does. Think about that. 

But after you've seen so many van Goghs, Picassos, Rembrandts, Gauguins blah, blah, blah where do you go? You've seen the best. There is nowhere to turn except to the bad. So went to the Museum of Modern are to see their exhibit: Bad Painting, Good Art. Here is the anouncements:

Oh my gosh. Look at this! Isn't it awful?

And this one is so thought provoking:

Here's a bit of brilliant religious iconic art:

And this was their poster child, but oddly I really liked it. I honestly couldn't see why it was called a bad painting.

Trust me we are only touching the tip of an iceberg in terms of bad painting. My camera battery died before I finished. But this broad perspective will give you an overview.

Then there was the Mind Expanders exhibit. Let me just say that while I thought that I was so jaded I was beyond being disturbed by art. I am not. That's the point of great art I'm told. Well mission accomplished.

Then I discovered something. You might wonder where great modern painting comes from. I was wandering a little lost and despite my command of the German language I can hardly ever read the signs. I wandered down some stairs and discovered a small room where great art was being made! Who is it made by? Have you ever wondered about who the people that filled our museums with art were? In this room in the basement I saw it action and can now answer that question! Watch this video clip (it's short only 2.5 megs) but will reveal the truth as never before revealed to world:

It's made by prisoners!


Anonymous said...

Steve, Cool post, love the art..Hay I hope you got my birthday greeting on Facebook, I got your number from mom and when I thought about it it was 2 am your time, I think, Im not even sure BUt you were thought about all day..I hope you had as good a day as you could all by your lonesome..I love you and happy to hear you will get to come home a few times..Keep posting so we know your still okay and not devored by lost socks..again Happy Belated Birthday!!

The Pecks said...

Very interesting......I really don't know what else to say. I can't understand how some of it is art but who am I to judge...I guess. Great blog by a great person. No bias opinions on that!!
I love you!!

Anonymous said...

When the art gets bad
The bad start creating

Chris and Lesa said...

By prisoners, eh? I bet they came from Zürich, and that is why they tied, they dump their prisoners on Vienna, hence Vienna goes down a notch, tying with Zürich.

By the way, I saw a special on tattoo art, and they showed some tattoo's people got in prison, and oh my gosh! A lot of them were really good. I guess the criminals of Zürich, transfered to Vienna missed out on that skill.

Anonymous said...

Bad art? Some of it looks pretty good to me. Do those prisoners paint in an assembly line like I saw in a movie once. Each person specializes in one part of the painting. With that crowd must be that way. By the way are they guarded? They look like a bunch of happy campers to me. Loved the story. - Dad