Saturday, September 18, 2010

Apple Cider

Today we had our 3rd....or maybe 4th annual apple cider making. The Waters' came with some of their kids and grandkids and so did Darrell and Dyann. Christopher, Lesa and Maddox came over and Jaron came down from SL. I always stop for a minute to think of my grandad and when we would make cider with him when we were kids....great memories!

I think Maddox had a fun time getting involved in it all. He loved all the apples in the water.

When we were done we came in, drank cider, ate chili, and celebrated Darrell's birthday with cake and ice cream. It was so fun getting together. Tons of work but so worth it!!!!

1 comment:

Cap said...

I think it was the 4th! And it was a lot of fun! One of my favorite traditions.