Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's over.....

The elections are over and I am so grateful to be done with it.  My eyes have been very much opened to the hate this election produced.  What is even harder is seeing hate from people of my same faith (not my ward though...they're amazing!).  I'm really tired of being questioned that I am on satan's side.  Since when is Obama on satan's side?  Are people really that black and white where Romney is on the Lord's side so that had to make Obama on satan's side?  It doesn't work that way!  I did a lot of praying during this election asking Heavenly Father if one candidate is better than another.  Or if he would bless one more than another.  The answer I got was that he loves them equally and either one would do a fine job and I was free to choose.  I also got the feeling that what matters to him is how we treat each other and a concern for mankind in general and that we take care of each other.  I also learned that we are all human no matter what religion or lack of religion.  I don't think anyone is any better than anyone else but we can choose how we act and conduct ourselves.  I hope we can all heal and the hatred I've been seeing and some of directed towards me will leave and we can work at healing and serving each other.  I believe people are good and as devastating as hurricane Sandy was, I love seeing stories of people coming together to help those who are suffering.  That's what we need to be doing.

1 comment:

Kp said...

wonderfully put! Im tired of the hatred too. Lets hope it lets up soon