So the time passed as if it were a dream. It seems almost as if we just flew in to Vienna, but now we return to the States. It has been an amazing adventure. Many high spots, many low, much excitement and viele boredom for some. We fly out on Thursday and we tried to squeeze in a couple of last adventures. We went on a five mile hike in the Vienna Woods. It mostly was a little too much like a desperate act to do a few things that we hadn't done yet. As a result it wasn't really the adventure we had hoped. It was really too hot and too hurried.
Sunday we said goodbye to the ward. Lori said goodbye to her primary class, Emily to her friends and Nathan to his. They said goodbye to me too, but they will be missed!
But that one thing we had to do was ride the Riesenrad, the Giant Farris Wheel made famous in the classic film the Third Man.
Nathan was just happy to be there:
Lori tired to bravely face our last adventure:
And Emily's ready to come home:
And so we will see you soon! Just some parting shots.
Here is the View from the Riesenrad:
Auf Weidersehen! Und Bis Bald Alles.
Im feeling a little sad for you, You have had some great adventures but Im sure you are all ready to come home! Have a safe flight and we will see you soon, love you!!
Despite the Difficulty
Quail eggs and Ratatouille
Lifts and windows to the world
Living in a closet without cargo
Smelling of cigarette smoke
Good days in an uncrowded U-Bahn
Swimming in School
Knights with the Rood & Thorn
Frozen stiff with no hot water
Mandatory hostage training
Reading Bone and seeing Skeletons
Brownie feasts when the cargo came
Pigeons pecking for food
Pecks picking up beer (nonalcoholic)
Tennis shoes aren't foot fashion
You'll never look cool in a hoodie
XBox games and interactions
Stake dances, prom, and billboards
(Really racy billboards by the church)
Billa, Butlers, and Ikea
From sushi to weiner schnitzel
Five bright colored eggs
Mt. Dew, Diet Coke and ramen noodles
Hot chocolate from Cafe Sperl
University of Utah Conference
Ce qui sera, sera
Wild rampaging lesbians
Meaningless May Day revolution
Melk, Slovakia, travel by train
Roller coasters, slides, mazes
St. Stephen's Cathedral to light a candle
A treasure note from Em
Brats in Bratislava
Milk in Melk
Vaccinations against it all
A car Nathan will never get
Fairy Tales, mazes, and Haiku
Black plague and black carriage rides
End of School and Mickey D's
Ethiopia and corned-up pizza
Auf Wiedersehen Wien -- Hallo Utah
Wow, you made me cry seeing it all in one place like that!
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