Sunday, July 14, 2013

Crazy Horse

 Wednesday morning we went to see Crazy Horse.  We watched a short video about this and how a single man started this whole project.  He was actually one of the men who worked on Mt. Rushmore.  His story is so amazing!
 You can see that it's not complete but still ongoing.
 These are bins and bins of beads.  All shapes, colors and sizes.

 We watched this man tell his story and watched him dance.  He has a great story to tell!!

 this is the statue of how it's going to look when it's complete.
 And what they still need to do.  They compared the Mt. Rushmore carving to Crazy Horse and Crazy Horse blows Mt. Rushmore out of the water in comparison to size.  I hope I can see this when it's complete.

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