Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Well.......I think Christopher is getting better.  It's been a long haul, especially for him and his family.  It's not over yet.  He still has to be on antibiotics for another week (I think) and then meds for the colitis but seeing him laugh and talk last sunday gave me hope that he is healing.  This has been interesting in seeing how people react/act to their little family.  I have been so, so grateful and humbled by so many people and totally disgusted by others.  Some family and friends have been so giving with their prayers, love, generosity.  I can't express my thanks to so many of them.  Then there have been those who I thought would be helpful, kind and compassionate  to only judge and spew out their venom.  It makes me sad to see this and I try to not let these kind of people take over my thoughts of the good people out there.  But my hopes are high that Christopher and his family are going to pull out of this and resume their normal life.
Last Saturday we got Nathan all outfitted for his wedding coming up.  He's going to look really nifty!!  He got a dark grey pants and vest, white dress shirt, yellow high top converse and a yellow bow tie.  Things are falling into place for them.  It's coming up fast!!!  :)

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