Sunday, July 21, 2013


So it's been about 5 weeks since all this stuff started with Christopher.  Ulcerated colitis, caught c-dif, got over c-dif, still trying to get over the colitis, got c-dif again.  A few hospital visits and then yesterday morning I get a text from Christopher that his calf is cramping up.  It has been for 2 hours and his leg is getting bigger.  A few minutes later Lesa calls and that Christopher is in extreme pain, his leg is huge and bumpy.  She rushed him to ER and I hurried and met her there to stay with Christopher so she could take the kids home and get them ready for the day.  I went into his room and Christopher was in extreme pain.  They took some blood and did an ultra sound.  Hooked him up to an IV and gave him a shot of morphine.  It didn't even take the edge off the pain.  Another shot of morphine, nothing and still a 3rd and it barely touched it.  He was transferred to Utah Valley Hosp and late afternoon they took most of the blood clot out.  Today they are going to take the rest of it out.  Also being there he has a whole team of dr.'s working with him to help him get over the colitis and bacteria.......finally!!  That is the best news we've heard in a while.  :)
But I had an experience while in the ER and Christopher was in extreme pain.  More pain than I have ever seen him in.  There was nothing I could do to take it away.  I felt so helpless.  Christopher was shaking, in tears from the pain and all I could do was hold his hand.  Steve arrived and I stayed a little longer but then I had to go.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I couldn't watch him suffer anymore and the whole time I was trying to hold back my tears.  I got in the car and started driving home and I was saying a prayer for him and his family.  Then somethings popped in my head of how when Christ was on the cross and was suffering horribly that Heavenly Father had to leave for a little bit cuz He couldn't take it either.  I know Christopher's suffering wasn't as bad as Christ's but it did help me learn about how hard it is for Heavenly Father to see us suffer and that we are like Him and He is like us.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Now you know how we felt when we couldn't take your pain away when the drunk driver almost killed you two. I realized how much it must hurt our Lord to see us hurting that much. Love you guys