Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day and an update

I got to talk to Jess today. She has got such a great attitude and is so strong with all she is going through. Kingston is still breach. She is still dialated to 2 cm but is fully effaced. We are hanging on till Wednesday when she will be 28 weeks and then hopefully more. She is still having lots of contractions and so her bed is even more tilted with her head down. I feel so bad for her but she is being so tough. I am very proud of her. My neighbor and I thought it would be fun to get Jess a picture of a bat hanging upside down to hang on her wall in the hospital. She could relate to that all too well. But we all go day to day and keep hoping and praying for all of them. Lesa is due this week so if anything happens I will let EVERYONE know!
My mothers day started at 3am. with Emily yelling for me. She got the stomach flu and so I was doing laundry and taking care of her in the wee hours of the morning. Crazy.....always a mom no matter what day it is. But that's ok. I hope all you "Mommy's" have a wonderful day!!!


brooke said...

praying little man holds out till wednesday!!! bum for the flu bug...but yey for great mother's like you!!! Happy Mother's Day!!

Arvanitas' said...

We pray for the best for Jess and Tim. We have the stomach flu in our house too. Sydney came down with it yesterday. A mother's work is never done. Hope you had a good Mother's Day otherwise.