Monday, October 4, 2010


I had an experience last night that brought back a lot of memories of when we lived in Vienna. I went to pick up Emily from dance and there was a lady there waiting for her daughter too. She spoke very broken English and asked which girl was my daughter. I pointed Emily out and she said that she was very polite. It took her a while to come up with the right word but I understood. She is from Brazil and speaks Portuguese. She said that when the girls came out that Emily and one other girl talked with her. I told her that Emily and I understood how she felt about trying to communicate in a different language. I told her about our experience of living in Vienna and not knowing German and how much we appreciated anyone who spoke English......and there really weren't as many as people might think. I told her that her English was good. Afterwards she gave me a hug.
I remember while living in Vienna, there were those who were very patient with me not knowing German and would help me with the little English they knew and then there were those who wouldn't give me the time of day and brush me off. I decided then that when we came back here that I would be kind to those who don't know our language and help them out whenever I could. There's nothing worse than feeling alone or that you don't belong.


Maureen said...

so True..that would be scary and lonely..your a sweetheart..

Cap said...

What a great story! Thanks for sharing.