Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pro harp playing

I was out with my dad. There was a girl playing the harp. She was on a statue. We came and I played the harp with her. I was pro. Dad took a picture of me and the harp. Sad to say but the girl WAS the statue! This is the picture of the statue. that was a fun day!!!


Anonymous said...

Of course you played like a pro. Look who you are. Not only that, but the sky was blue. I'm sure the sun came out just for you.

Anonymous said...

You know, Emily, the harp the statue is playing looks more like an old-fashioned washboard that the pioneers used to wash their clothes. Maybe she is playing the harp and washing clothes at the same time. No wonder the civilization prospered so well.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet you could hear Brahms in your heart. What a lot of culture your being exposed to. i assume he was born in Vienna.

You look so great and you and Dad seem to go on lots of adventures. - Love and miss you - grandpa