Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No running

For the last few weeks I have been having increasing pain in my heel/calf area. Yesterday the pain was so bad that I barely made it through my 3 mile run.....plus the pain lasted all day. I found out that I have achilles tendonitis. I did some reading up on it and runners do get this but they also said it gets more common as you get older. I'm majorly flirting with 50 so I guess that puts me in the "older" category. So I'm moving on to the bikes, then elliptical and running again but not as much as I use to. I think I'll keep rotating around.........since I am getting "older".
I'm taking a break from the yard cuz of the rain and my garbage can is packed full of grass I dug up. So far nothing has died and I see growth in the vegetable garden. So until the rain stops....I'll be doing some major work on the very neglected pile of dirty clothes that keeps growing bigger by the day.

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