Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Knight-Nate

But seriously today we went to the Wien was pretty cool...and free;) so we got there and on the first floor there were some really cool roman pots and other cool was pretty amazing...there were also some ridiculous looking helmets...haha..ya...and then we went up to the 2nd floor were they had some really cool sets of armor...and were quite spiffy..i though...there was also a funny looking man...yup he was funny looking...and some really long spears..that were pretty cool...and then up to the 3rd and final floor where there were lots of painting that were quite amazing i thought and some really cool swords...that i thought were awesome...twas cool...and that was basically the museum...and may the force be with you.


Anonymous said...

Seems like the knights could have done with about 100 lbs less armor if they had had the force. I thought the force was of ancient origin and could defeat even modern technology. Why didn't the knights know about it? Maybe it was the ancestors of the knights that made the Death Star. Silly, silly knights.

Anonymous said...

W0w, you guys are going to some great museums. I love reading your blog nathan. Keep it up!!