Friday, August 28, 2009

Overconsumption of salsa

This is what I've been doing for the last couple of days........making salsa and lots of it. I keep thinking this year will be the year that I'll be able to make at least 6 months worth. But I don't know if it's physically possible for one human being to accomplish such an impossible task.... Especially with this household. So I am trying but I seem to be as guilty as other family members and all their billions of friends. I eat way too much of it and I felt it at the gym today. I swear it was as if it was coming out of my pores.

So I continue to make the addicting stuff. Steve calls and asks how the salsa making is going. I say fine and he asks, " are you eating too much of it?" Nope :) Ha ha!!!!

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Yummy goodness, you are the Salsa should learn the Salsa dance to make it official..send some our way would ya;)