Friday, January 21, 2011

The Brain

Somewhere along the last 26-27 years I have lost my ability to use that part of my brain that you need for school. I have been trying to find it but it's a slow process to get it working again. I'm taking a landscape design class. I ask more questions than anybody else does in the class. Maybe they all get it and I just don't and I have to have the teacher repeat what she just said cuz I didn't understand what she was saying. I am one of the older ones in the class. There are 3 of us and the rest are just kids. Probably in their 20's but still kids (especially since my oldest is 26). I have to do a lot of drawing, measuring, planning and THINKING. I'm finding out that my brain turns on the most at about 1am. and plans are going through my head and how to make them work. .
I think I'm going to like this class. The drawing is fun. Getting the dimensions right on paper is tough. But I like getting that part of my brain revved up to start working again. Ooohhh...I have a do a report with power points in it. I know what power points are but I have no idea how to do it. Like how to make it "go" or get it on the screen. So my 13 year old daughter is going to teach me. :)


JJP said...

I feel the same way sometimes. SO don;t worry it's not just you.

Cap said...

It must just be a peck thing. I feel like I'm always trying to keep up with the rest of the class. But I really do enjoy learning all that I am . . . learning . . . that seemed repetative. Anyway, I wouldn't worry... I think it's all Pecks. Hehe.

JessPeck said...

you are so dang smart. you'll do great!