Friday, April 29, 2011

Coupon tally

For the month of April I saved $99.67 in coupons. I've noticed though that food prices are really going up with gas going up. So when I find good deals I really load up. I love getting food for almost free......sometimes for free. A natural high!!! Another site I am hooked on is city deals. I have ordered lots of gift cards/papers to different restaurants, nurseries, bakeries for half price off or more.
The bees are doing good and surviving. We're hoping to get at least 60lbs of honey this fall. I was working out in the yard yesterday and they didn't bother me at all. Even when I stood right above their hive. The yellow jackets do give me a hard time and like to go out of their way and sting me. We have a few yellow jacket hives that are coming down asap!!!

1 comment:

JessPeck said...

wow! good for you! I need to get some tips from you