Thursday, October 6, 2011


Yep, it snowed today. I'm not very happy with it cuz I'm still working on the garden and I really like fall. This is just too winter looking for me. I did rush outside this morning to the garden to get the green tomatoes before they froze to death. There are tons of green little ones so I hope there are a few more warm days so they have a chance to grow.
Also I'm making a quilt for our bed. The one we're using now I made in Hawaii (11+ years ago) and it's look really shabby. I'm just doing a 9 square block so it's shouldn't be too hard and hopefully will be done before winter is over.
BTW.....Steve is on his way home!! :)


Cap said...

I'm not happy about the snow, either. Ruins all biking.

JJP said...

It ruins nice weather.