Hey Mommers,
Hey so things here are going pretty good. My new area is pretty cool and we have a car so that's super awesome. My new comp is also really cool. he was actually my last companions trainer. So that's good.He's a good guy and I really like him .. so that's good. BTW. SO things here are going pretty good. Not too much went on this last week but we did get to go to a couple of other cities for splits and that was pretty fun but other than that not too much really went on. Hrmm... I really don't know what else to say... it was a pretty uneventfully week besides coming here. But Oulu is a good place and i really like it... I think that I'll enjoy it, and I'll try to get some pictures. welp that's really about all I got... sorry this is kinda a lame email, but I hope you have a great week and I love and miss you a ton!!
Vanhin Nate Peck
Hey Pops,
So the new area is really nice, and I'm really getting along with my new companion. His name is Elder Carr and he's from Idaho. He's a really nice guy and things have been going really well. We have a lot of fun and we get a lot of work done so its really good. I think it'll be a really good last change.
Things here are going pretty good. There isn't a whole lot going on in this area but we're looking for some new investigators, so we'll see what happens this next week.
It sounds like everything went well with your book reading. That's good. That's really cool how much stuff you've been doing for your book. before you know it you'll be famous and making millions off of all your books :)
Well sorry not too much has happened this last week, so there isn't too much to write about but I hope you have a great week and I love and miss you!!!
Vanhin Nate Peck