Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It seems like negativity is everywhere. It's like a virus that can be spread from person to person so easily. It's also habit forming. We can concentrate on what's bad and horrible in our lives and the world around us. Lately it's been affecting me and I've been trying to fight it. I think my problem is that sometime I focus on what's wrong instead of what's right. Then get mad at the wrong instead of trying to improving the good. And I have to admit....it is easy to do and I know that I'm not the only one. For example, after church Steve and I were talking to friend and we asked her how she was doing? She said good until two of her friends came up to her to talk and all they did was gripe and complain about their lives. I'm ok with people complaining every now and then (it's a great release to get it off your mind) but when it's the only thing they talk about it's hard. I wonder sometimes if I'm like that. I don't want to be but I can see myself sometime slipping into the habit of being negative. Yesterday I read an article from Carol Lynn Pearson and it got me thinking about how I'm looking at things. It was almost like a reversal of how I should look at things. I'm glad that there are inspiring people out there that can give me a knock on the head to help me get back on track. We do live in a great time on earth.....we just need to remember that.

1 comment:

Cap said...

I think this is something I try to do constantly. Especially with dealing with work and school. I get frustrated with them easily because it takes up so much time and I feel like I'm never able to catch up. But one goal I've had for a few years is that no matter what I don't want to be cynical or negative. It's hard, but it has definitely helped me a ton.