Saturday, March 10, 2012


Jess sent me this cute picture of Darci yesterday. And that's the quilt I made her that she laying on. I see both Timothy and Jessica in her. So beautiful!!

Lesa put this pic. up on her blog of the boys reading. Too cute!!! I love stealing pictures off their blogs.
This has been a crazy week for me. Not one that I want to repeat. Monday I got food poisoning. I thought I was going to painful. Tuesday while getting over the food poisoning I stubbed and broke my toe. Thursday I felt a cold coming on and by friday.......flat on my back. I missed Christopher's birthday dinner but Emily took over and cooked up a great meal for him and the family. Lesa helped her too and they did a great job. Thank you, thank you. Today I'm feeling a little better but I need to stay away from any sharp objects near my face cuz it will pop.....lots of congestion. Steve's book reading is tonight so I'm going to stay on meds so I can go to this. I know he'll do great. And Jaron is home for spring break. We love it when he's home!!!!

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