Dear Family,
Hey everyone! So how are you all doing back home? Things here are going pretty well. We just found out that this change is going to be 7 weeks instead of 6 which is pretty weird. I'm not sure why yet but we have Zone Conference on Wednesday so I'm sure we'll find out then.
So yeah, as I had previously mentioned we've got Zone Conference on Wednesday which is pretty exciting. However, I have to drive because Elder Karlsson doesn't know how. But that's not really the bad part.....I don't know how to get to the chapel in Tempere. But we are picking up the Rauma Elders and I think that one of them served in Tampere. So hopefully he knows the way. So it could be interesting.
This week I got my new comp. Elder Karlsson. He's a really cool and funny guy so I think it will be fun to serve with him.
Well I can't think of anything else that happened this week so I'll just talk about general stuff....So the ______ family is doing good. Their baptism is now the 2nd of Oct. However we may have to move it due to general conference. But we are going to talk with President Brown during Zone Conference and see if we can do the confirmation and baptism on the same day. So we shall see what happens.
Oh, so with that package you're planning on sending, would it be possible to get a Moleskine book? Because I've been wanting one but the big ones her cost 30 euros. So I don't really want to get one here...ha ha. Oh and before I there any I can get a new copy of my debit card. Mine is breaking. Not sure how but it still does work for the moment.
Welp, I think that's everything. If you've got any questions let me know. I love and miss you all!!
Vanhin Nafey Burger
ps. I forgot dad asked about if its getting colder and darker. So the average temp. is about 12C. So it's not too bad. But the days are definitely starting to get shorter. It starts to get dark about 9pm. then gets light about 6ish. So yeah, they're getting shorter.