Tuesday, March 15, 2011

speaking out

I have noticed that in the last couple of years I have been getting a little more outspoken. Not sure if it's good or bad (depends on the situation) but I kinda like it in a way. I think there are times to voice your opinion and times to bite your tongue. Yesterday I went to the track to go run. There are 4 lanes. The two inner for walkers and the very inner for strollers and the two outer lanes for runners. The most outside lane for fast runners. There are signs all over the place and on the track itself explaining this so unless you're blind you definitely know. As I was running......3 ladies with with strollers packed with kids started walking taking up 3 1/2 lanes. They wouldn't budge for anyone and weren't really walking.....more like strolling. Runners were trying to pass them, tripping and asking them to scoot over. Still they wouldn't move. Finally my run was done and I have to say I was very ticked off cuz of their attitude and not moving for anyone. So yep....I went and told on them. I'm sure the other runners did too. I guess I just don't get why they felt it was ok...or are they entitled to take up the track?

1 comment:

Maureen said...

there are a few things that make me CRAZY and people who have no regard to others, make me crazy mad..when they know they are annoying and they just don't care.. usually its when they are in groups..Good for you for reporting them!!!!!